Got Colostrum?

The first and foremost thing that must be understood about colostrum is what it isn’t, namely that colostrum isn’t a medication. Colostrum is our first food of life.

Colostrum is an amazing cornucopia of everything we need to maintain a healthy, functional gastrointestinal tract, which is the key to good health in general. Many diseases have their origins in the gut, and the proper absorption of nutrients is key to maintaining the body in top running condition. When the proportion of beneficial bacteria in our intestines outnumbers the harmful bacteria, our intestines are said to be in a state of orthobiosis or “in balance”. When that proportion is out of balance for some reason and the harmful bacteria predominate, we are in a state of dysbiosis, or imbalance. Dysbiosis has a number of harmful consequences, including leaky gut syndrome where the permeability of the gut lining is increased so that toxins and pathogens normally excluded from passing through the gut lining now move freely into the body, which can cause or contribute to a multitude of diseases. Many autoimmune conditions, such as Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, and most food allergies can be traced to leaky gut syndrome. There are many other causes of leaky gut in addition to dysbiosis, including alcoholism, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), aging, and excessive amounts of toxins in the gut. Whatever the cause, leaky gut can have serious, even life-threatening, consequences.

Colostrum is the best remedy known for all-around gut health. Colostrum restores leaky gut to normal permeability levels. It contains growth factors and hormones to help repair damage to the intestinal lining, including damage caused by NSAIDS and other medications, and restore gut integrity. It contains massive doses of immunoglobulins that help control harmful bacteria and fungi, such as Candida, in order to restore orthobiosis. It has been clinically proven to control such harmful bacteria as H. pylori, which cause ulcers, and many other bacteria. Colostrum has also been shown to increase the surface area of the intestinal lining, improving the absorption of nutrients. Plus, there are no known side effects from using colostrum.

Local protection in the form of immune supplementation with bovine colostrum antibodies has shown to be an effective means of providing local protection to the GI tract against disease. Bovine colostrum has an identical structure to the natural colostrum produced by humans. Research has attributed many health benefits to bovine colostrum. These benefits include improved gut stability,nutrient absorption,immunological balance, increases energy and reduces inflammation and illness.

Colostrum builds, repairs, strengthens and restores:

  • the hormonal system back to levels associated with youth
  • the immune system to it’s top fighting form
  • the digestive system to it’s optimal function
  • provides you with every basic essential nutrient known

When the Australian Olympic swim team won more gold medals than the Chinese in both 2000 and 2004, they attributed it in part due to their use of colostrum supplements. It is popular among athletes as the health benefits of colostrum milk include decreasing recovery time, increasing strength and performance gains and preventing sickness due to overtraining (a common phenomenon among peak performers).

You can still get the benefits as an adult by supplementing your diet.

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Oncology nurse quits after 17 years to promote nutrition and natural therapies for healing cancer

After 17 years, Valerie Warwick took a huge risk and walked away from a lucrative income as an oncology nurse because she could not be a part of the conventional cancer industry anymore.

Today she is a health coach and advocate for healing with nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Valerie and I connected on facebook earlier this year, and after hearing a little bit of her story I couldn’t wait to interview her. She is a warm wonderful person with a big heart and loads of experience.

In our interview Valerie shares her story and insider information about the industry, as well as vital resources that every cancer patient should consider.


Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects, Researchers Find
Mounting evidence shows ‘cannabinoids’ in marijuana slow cancer growth, inhibit formation of new blood cells that feed a tumor, and help manage pain, fatigue, nausea, and other side effects.
Cristina Sanchez, a young biologist at Complutense University in Madrid, was studying cell metabolism when she noticed something peculiar. She had been screening brain cancer cells because they grow faster than normal cell lines and thus are useful for research purposes. But the cancer cells died each time they were exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive ingredient of marijuana.
Instead of gaining insight into how cells function, Sanchez had stumbled upon the anti-cancer properties of THC. In 1998, she reported in a European biochemistry journal that THC “induces apoptosis [cell death] in C6 glioma cells,” an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Subsequent peer-reviewed studies in several countries would show that THC and other marijuana-derived compounds, known as “cannabinoids,” are effective not only for cancer-symptom management (nausea, pain, loss of appetite, fatigue), they also confer a direct antitumoral effect.
A team of Spanish scientists led by Manuel Guzman conducted the first clinical trial assessing the antitumoral action of THC on human beings. Guzman administered pure THC via a catheter into the tumors of nine hospitalized patients with glioblastoma, who had failed to respond to standard brain-cancer therapies. The results were published in 2006 in the British Journal of Pharmacology: THC treatment was associated with significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation in every test subject.
Around the same time, Harvard University scientists reported that THC slows tumor growth in common lung cancer and “significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread.” What’s more, like a heat-seeking missile, THC selectively targets and destroys tumor cells while leaving healthy cells unscathed. Conventional chemotherapy drugs, by contrast, are highly toxic; they indiscriminately damage the brain and body.

There is mounting evidence, according to a report in Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, that cannabinoids “represent a new class of anticancer drugs that retard cancer growth, inhibit angiogenesis [the formation of new blood cells that feed a tumor] and the metastatic spreading of cancer cells.”

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Dr. Sean McAllister, a scientist at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, has been studying cannabinoid compounds for 10 years in a quest to develop new therapeutic interventions for various cancers. Backed by grants from the National Institute of Health (and with a license from the DEA), McAllister discovered that cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive component of the marijuana plant, is a potent inhibitor of breast cancer cell proliferation, metastasis, and tumor growth.

In 2007, McAllister published a detailed account of how cannabidiol kills breast cancer cells and destroys malignant tumors by switching off expression of the ID-1 gene, a protein that appears to play a major role as a cancer cell conductor.

The ID-1 gene is active during human embryonic development, after which it turns off and stays off. But in breast cancer and several other types of metastatic cancer, the ID-1 gene becomes active again, causing malignant cells to invade and metastasize. “Dozens of aggressive cancers express this gene,” explains McAllister. He postulates that CBD, by virtue of its ability to silence ID-1 expression, could be a breakthrough anti-cancer medication.

“Cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy,” says McAllister, who is seeking support to conduct clinical trials with the marijuana compound on breast cancer patients.

McAllister’s lab also is analyzing how CBD works in combination with first-line chemotherapy agents. His research shows that cannabidiol, a potent antitumoral compound in its own right, acts synergistically with various anti-cancer pharmaceuticals, enhancing their impact while cutting the toxic dosage necessary for maximum effect.

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Signs You Should Get Tested for Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease

Have you gone gluten-free because you’re convinced that the protein is giving you gastrointestinal (GI) issues? If you haven’t talked to a doc, that might be a mistake. A new study shows that many people who adopt a gluten-free diet haven’t been appropriately tested for celiac disease.

Researchers from Eastern Health Clinical School at Monash University and Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, recruited 144 people who said they suffered from non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). Turns out, 44 percent of participants had initiated a gluten-free diet without any medical supervision—and 69 percent of them hadn’t gotten the necessary testing for celiac disease (It’s important to get tested by a doc before you start a gluten-free routine because it’s hard to tell if the protein is a problem for you after it’s already been eliminated from your system).

Another interesting fact from the study: Seventy-two percent of participants didn’t even end up meeting the criteria for NCGS. While 62 percent of this group fell into the category because researchers couldn’t rule out celiac disease for them, 24 percent continued to have gastrointestinal issues despite following a gluten-free diet (irritable bowl syndrome or a wheat allergy can both cause similar symptoms).

You shouldn’t be self-diagnosing a gluten issue. If you think you might have one, ask about the test for celiac disease so you don’t have complications down the road. How do you know if you should book an appointment? Gina Sam, M.D., director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital, says these symptoms are telltale signs:

  • You have chronic GI symptoms. These include severe or recurrent diarrhea, and abdominal distension or bloating.
  • You’re deficient in iron, folate, or vitamin B12. Since untreated celiac disease damages certain parts of the intestine where these vitamins are absorbed, deficiencies can be a tip-off that you have an issue.
  • You have family history. Even if you’re asymptomatic, first-degree relatives of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of celiac disease should definitely get tested.
How does celiac disease present? And what about other gluten-related disorders?
Celiac disease is often referred to as a “clinical chameleon” because of its varied presentations, ranging from malabsorption to fatigue to depression. These presentations and other signs and symptoms of celiac disease can often overlap with other conditions. Some individuals may not present with any symptoms, a subset of patients that are estimated to make up as much as 38% of the diagnosed population. In fact, experts assess that the majority of patients in the general population present with symptoms that are below the threshold of clinical detection, causing them to remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with another condition. Lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome are two common misdiagnoses.
Once thought to primarily affect children and present with only malabsorptive symptoms, the face of modern celiac disease has changed. It is now recognized as one of the most common lifelong disorders in Europe and in the U.S, with an increased prevalence of fourfold since 1950 in the U.S.
Celiac disease can develop at any time and can be diagnosed at any age. It is important to note that, at present, celiac disease is most frequently diagnosed in the fourth to fifth decade of life. Although celiac disease impacts both men and women, at this time it is diagnosed largely in females with recent research indicating that 60% to 70% of those diagnosed with celiac disease are women. The healthcare seeking behaviors of women, and perhaps even symptoms, are thought to largely impact this difference.
The varied and sometimes nonspecific manifestations of celiac disease can make it challenging to diagnose. As a result, 95% of the 3 million Americans with celiac disease currently remain undiagnosed. Left untreated, persons with celiac disease have nearly a fourfold increased risk of death. Other complications include, but are not limited to, bone disease, reproductive health problems and decreased quality of life.
It is vital that primary care providers and other physicians learn about the multiple ways in which celiac disease can present and have a heightened suspicion among their patient populations. You play a pivotal role in identifying individuals at high risk for celiac disease and performing serological testing, the first step in diagnosing celiac disease.
Know the Symptoms
For many years, symptoms of malabsorption such as diarrhea, weight loss, steatorrhoea or growth failure were considered the primary markers of celiac disease. These signs and symptoms are known as “classical celiac disease.”
We now know that many celiac patients do not experience symptoms of malabsorption at all, but instead present with extra-intestinal symptoms or non-classical symptoms. Still yet, others may not present with clinically evident symptoms of celiac disease, thereby falling below the threshold of clinical detection. These patients can be classified as having “subclinical celiac disease”. Some of these patients may not even see a difference upon starting a gluten-free diet, although it is still necessary that they strictly follow it.
The journey to diagnosis in individuals with subclinical celiac disease is often started when lab results indicative of celiac disease are seen, such as iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis and abnormal liver function tests. Fatigue is commonly experienced, although it is difficult for patients to detect as abnormal. These patients often do notice a substantial increase in energy after initiating a gluten-free diet.
In addition to patients presenting with signs of malabsorption or little to no symptoms at all, common clinical presentations include:
  • Unexplained iron deficiency anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Ataxia
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain or bloating
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Alopecia
  • Aphthous stomatitis
  • Recurrent miscarriages or unexplained infertility
  • Delayed puberty
  • Osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • Dental enamel defects
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiencies (Common deficiencies include: iron, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin B12)
Within hours to days after gluten ingestion, patients develop these symptoms:
  • abdominal pain
  • eczema and/or rash
  • headache
  • foggy mind
  • fatigue
  • diarrhea
  • depression
  • anemia
  • numbness in the legs, arms or fingers
  • joint pain

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The MIND Diet May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

Want another great reason to eat healthy? The food choices you make daily might lower your odds of getting Alzheimer’s disease, some scientists say.

Researchers have found that people who stuck to a diet that included foods like berries, leafy greens, and fish had a major drop in their risk for the memory-sapping disorder, which affects more than 5 million Americans over age 65.

The eating plan is called the MIND diet. Here’s how it works.

Brain-Friendly Foods

MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It’s similar to two other healthy meal plans: the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet.

You eat things from these 10 food groups:

  • Green leafy vegetables (like spinach and salad greens): At least six servings a week
  • Other vegetables: At least one a day
  • Nuts: Five servings a week
  • Berries: Two or more servings a week
  • Beans: At least three servings a week
  • Whole grains: Three or more servings a day
  • Fish: Once a week
  • Poultry (like chicken or turkey): Two times a week
  • Olive oil: Use it as your main cooking oil.
  • Wine: One glass a day

You avoid:

  • Red meat: Less than four servings a week
  • Butter and margarine: Less than a tablespoon daily
  • Cheese: Less than one serving a week
  • Pastries and sweets: Less than five servings a week
  • Fried or fast food: Less than one serving a week
The Benefits

One study showed that people who stuck to the MIND diet lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 54%. That’s big. But maybe even more importantly, researchers found that adults who followed the diet only part of the time still cut their risk of the disease by about 35%.

On the other hand, people who followed the DASH and Mediterranean diets “moderately” had almost no drop in their Alzheimer’s risk, Morris says.

Scientists need to do more research on the MIND approach, “but it’s a very promising start. It shows that what you eat can make an impact on whether you develop late-onset Alzheimer’s,” which is the most common form of the disease, says Cecilia Rokusek, a registered dietitian at Nova Southeastern University.

Should You Follow the MIND Diet?

Even if you don’t have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or other risk factors, you may still want to try this eating plan. It focuses on nutritious whole foods, so “it’s not just good for your brain. It’s good your heart and overall health, too,” says Majid Fotuhi, MD, PhD. He is the chairman and CEO of the Memosyn Neurology Institute.

One of the best things about the plan is that you don’t have to stick to it perfectly to see benefits, Rokusek says. “That makes it more likely you’ll follow it for a long time,” she says. And the longer people eat the MIND way, the lower their risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease, Morris says.

If you do decide to make your diet more MIND-like, Rokusek recommends you take a few extra steps. “Keep your portions in check, and be careful about how food is prepared. Sauces, breading, and oils can add extra calories and hidden ingredients like sugar,” she says. “Make a point to drink several glasses of water a day, too.”

Last, understand that even though diet plays a big role, “it’s only one aspect of Alzheimer’s disease,” Fotuhi says. So get regular exercise and manage your stress to lower your risk even more, he says.

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What Are Those Red Circles On The Olympic Swimmers Arms?

Those red circles are caused by an alternative medicine therapy called cupping.

Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The cups can be made of a variety of materials, including:

  • Glass
  • Bamboo
  • Earthenware

Supporters of cupping therapy believe the suction of the cups mobilizes blood flow to promote the healing of a broad range of medical ailments.

Cupping therapy dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, The Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians were using cupping therapy in 1,550 B.C.

Australian and Chinese researchers reviewed 135 studies on cupping therapy published between 1992 and 2010. They concluded that cupping therapy may be effective when combined with other treatments like acupuncture or medications in treating various diseases and conditions, such as:

Types of Cupping Therapy

There are various types of cupping therapy, including:

  • Dry cupping (suction only)
  • Wet cupping (combination of suction and controlled medicinal bleeding)

During both types of cupping, a flammable substance such as alcohol, herbs, or paper is placed in a cup and set on fire. As the fire goes out, the cup is placed upside down on the patient’s skin.

As the air inside the cup cools, it creates a vacuum. This causes the skin to rise and redden as blood vessels expand. The cup is generally left in place for five to 10 minutes.

A more modern version of cupping uses a rubber pump to create the vacuum inside the cup. Sometimes practitioners use medical-grade silicone cups. These are pliable enough to be moved from place to place on the skin and produce a massage-like effect.

During wet cupping, a mild suction is created using a cup that is left in place for about three minutes. The practitioner then removes the cup and uses a small scalpel to make superficial skin incisions. Then he or she performs a second suction to draw out a small quantity of blood.

After the procedure, the site may be covered with an antibiotic ointment and bandage to prevent infection. The skin’s appearance generally returns to normal within 10 days.

Cupping therapy supporters believe that wet cupping removes harmful substances and toxins from the body to promote healing.

Benefits of Cupping Therapy

The British Cupping Society says cupping therapy can treat a variety of conditions. This has not been backed up by studies. But the organization says cupping therapy is used to treat:

Supporters also believe that cupping therapy can reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body. And they say it can promote mental and physical relaxation and well-being.

Side Effects of Cupping Therapy

Cupping is considered to be relatively safe, especially when performed by trained health professionals. Potential side effects include:

  • Mild discomfort
  • Burns
  • Bruises
  • Skin infection

According to the British Cupping Society, cupping therapy should be avoided by the following groups:

The organization also says cupping therapy should not be applied to sites on the body that have:

  • A deep vein thrombosis
  • An ulcer
  • An artery
  • A pulse that can be felt

According to the American Cancer Society, one problem associated with cupping therapy is that patients may skip conventional treatment: “Relying on this treatment alone and delaying or avoiding conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.”

Also, a health care provider may mistakenly think marks left from cupping therapy are evidence of physical abuse.

Like many alternative treatments, cupping therapy has not been extensively studied. Researchers say that most cupping therapy studies have been small and poorly designed. More studies are needed to prove or disprove claims of health benefits. Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!


Has Our Society Steered Away From Natures Remedies?

There are so many things that we can use that were put on this earth to heal and fuel our bodies. Why have we come to assume this isn’t the case anymore?  Sometimes you just need to get back to the basics and re-evaluate.

Nature has been providing medicines to treat our diseases, relieve our suffering and fuel our bodies for many thousands of years. 

Nature has been making biologically active compounds for close to 4 billion years (and conducting its own “clinical trials” on these compounds). The uniformity of all living things is remarkable, particularly at the genetic and molecular level. Plants, animals, and microbes contain virtually an endless supply of potential medicines for human diseases.

Some compounds from plants that have been particularly important for human medicine include: morphine from the Opium Poppy and aspirin from the White Willow Tree. Tropical plants such as the Madagascar, Rosy or Periwinkle have yielded vinblastine (which has revolutionized the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, turning a disease that was once uniformly fatal into one that can now be totally cured in many patients) and vincristine (doing  the same for acute childhood leukemia). We are seeing numerous preclinical studies that CDB (part of the marijuana plant that does not give you a “High”)  is a viable treatment for people suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, diabetes, PTSD, alcoholism, strokes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. CBD has been shown to suppress colon cancer tumors in mice and to kill breast cancer cells in lab studies. CBD also has anti-inflammatory, neuro-protective, and anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants are thought to fight degenerative diseases and aging.

Many people who have used CBD attest that it worked on them or their family members conditions when none of the standard prescriptions prescribed by their doctors had worked.

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Medicines from animals include: the ACE inhibitors (which are among the most effective medicines known for treating high blood pressure) from the Pit Viper and AZT (azidothymidine) used in the treatment of HIV-AIDS, patterned after compounds made by the marine sponge.

Microbes have given us nearly all of our antibiotics such as penicillin, the cholesterol-lowering statins, and rapamycin (also called sirolimus), which is used to coat arterial stents. So that the cells lining the arteries opened by the stents do not divide and re-clog them.

Thankfully,  people are also starting to ask can going back to basics by preparing meals with fresh, whole ingredients really be the solution?

People are now buying more organic foods and products. They are more aware of the substantial research connecting low quality/processed diets with the nation’s growing obesity epidemic, rise of diabetes and heart disease. Processing of any type reduces the nutrient content, and may even take away those vital antioxidants that support immune health and protect cells from damage. Organic food has a much higher level of nutrients including essential vitamins, minerals, and secondary metabolites such as phytonutrients, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Organic fruits and vegetables have 12% more nutrients than conventional produce. I think most people thought in the past that buying fresh, raw ingredients cost more but the truth is it’s actually less expensive. I understand processed food are sometimes more convenient to buy, but at what cost to your health?

People are realizing plants and essential oils still have all the significant values that our ancestors used them for many years ago. Due to the numerous health benefits of essential oils, they are increasingly being explored by the scientific community for the treatment of a variety of diseases including cancerHIVasthmabronchitisheart attacks and strokes.

People are understanding that herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as traditional treatments, often without the negative side effects.

People are purchasing more organic beauty/skin care products and for good reason. Organic natural cosmetics are often more effective since they’re derived from nutrient-rich sources. Chemicals, artificial colors, and fillers in skin care products and makeup can cause redness, irritation, and breakouts. Many people are even allergic to chemicals commonly present in conventionally produced products. Natural products get their fragrances from essential oils made from flowers, fruits and herbs. Organic ingredients which are absorbed through the skin can increase collagen production, repair free radical damage and improve oxygen and blood flow towards the skin. Externally, natural products tighten skin, diminish lines and wrinkles, repair discoloration, and protect the skin from environmental elements.

Our bodies evolved eating and using natural ingredients. To receive the best health benefits from food/plants as it possibly could. All-natural is what your body wants and needs!

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What Is The Paleo Diet?

“The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic! Research in biology, biochemistry, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and many other disciplines indicate it is our modern diet, full of refined foods, trans fats and sugar, that is at the root of degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility” says writer Robb Wolf.

Building A Healthy Paleo Diet


Lean proteins support strong muscles, healthy bones and optimal immune function. Protein also makes you feel satisfied between meals.


Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that have been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing a number of degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes and neurological decline.

Okay To Eat Avoid
Fruits Dairy
Vegetables Grains
Lean Meats Processed Food & Sugars
Seafood Legumes
Nuts & Seeds Starches
Healthy Fats Alcohol

Sunburst Superfoods


  • Vegetables: Avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collards, fennel, celery, asparagus, kale, spinach, arugula, Swiss chard, zucchinis, artichokes, okra, summer squash, winter squash, pumpkins, sweet potatos, yams, kohlrabi, parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, green onions, onions, garlic, parsley, bok choy, and cilantro.
  • Nightshade Vegetables: Peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes are allowed if you don’t react to them. Some people develop heartburn, dry skin, or joint pain when these foods are eaten.
  • Fruits: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pomegranates, strawberries, lemons, limes, grapefruits, apples, pears, nectarines, peaches, cherries, plums, figs, apricots, kiwi, mango, persimmon, grapes, papaya, pineapple and medjool dates.
  • Meats: Grass-fed and/or pasture-raised meats including beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork, bison, and wild boar. Bacon is okay to consume occasionally, as long as it’s from pasture-raised pigs.
  • Fish: Wild-caught Alaskan salmon, halibut, haddock, sardines, anchovies, trout, and black cod.
  • Shellfish: Crab, lobster, scallops, and mussels.
  • Nuts: Walnuts, raw almonds, macadamias, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts, and coconuts.
  • Fats: Grass-fed butter or ghee, MCT oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, avocados, grass-fed pasture-raised marrow bones, and pasture-raised eggs.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, peas, and fermented soy (tempeh, miso, natto).
  • Sweeteners: Stevia, xylitol, sorbitol, maltitol, raw honey, coconut sugar, and maple syrup.
  • Seasonings: Sea salt, ginger, turmeric, cumin, allspice, garlic, black pepper, onion, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme, mustard seed, tamari, nutmeg, paprika, lavender, vanilla, and tarragon.

Scientific research and epidemiological studies show that diets rich in Monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats dramatically reduce the instances of obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and cognitive decline.

Saturated fat has been demonized by our health authorities and media. What is the basis for this position on Saturated fat? Are current recommendations for VERY low saturated fat intake justified? How much saturated fat (and what types), if any should one eat? Without a historical and scientific perspective these questions can be nearly impossible to answer. In this paper Prof. Cordain looks at the amounts and types of saturated fats found in the ancestral diet: Saturated fat consumption in ancestral human diets: implications for contemporary intakes.

One of the greatest deviations away from our ancestral diet is the amounts and types of fat found in modern grain feed animals vs. the amounts and types of fats found in grass fed or wild meat, fowl and fish. What we observe is wild meat is remarkably lean, and has relatively low amounts of saturated fats, while supplying significant amounts of beneficial omega-3 fats such as EPA and DHA. In this paper Prof. Cordain and his team analyze the complete fatty acid profile from several species of wild deer and elk. The take home message is that free range meat is far healthier than conventional meat: Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues: Evolutionary implications for reducing diet-related chronic disease.

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Health Benefits of a Paleo Diet

For most people the fact the Paleo diet delivers the best results is all they need. Improved blood lipids, weight loss, and reduced pain from autoimmunity is proof enough.  Many people however are not satisfied with blindly following any recommendations, be they nutrition or exercise related. Some folks like to know WHY they are doing something. Fortunately, the Paleo diet has stood not only the test of time, but also the rigors of scientific scrutiny.

With a very simple shift we not only remove the foods that are at odds with our health (grains, legumes, and dairy) but we also increase our intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here is a great paper from Professor Loren Cordain exploring how to build a modern Paleo diet: The nutritional characteristics of a contemporary diet based upon Paleolithic food groups. This paper also offers significant insight as to the amounts and ratios of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the ancestral diet.

Come on! Our Ancestors lived short, brutal lives! This Paleo Diet is all bunk, right?

The Paleo concept is new for most people and this newness can spark many questions. We like people to not only read about and educate themselves on this topic but also to “get in and do it.” Experience is perhaps the best teacher and often cuts through any confusion surrounding this way of eating. Now, all that considered, there are still some common counter arguments to the Paleo diet that happen with sufficient frequency that a whole paper was written on it.

Does it work for diabetes?

A great question to ask is “Does the Paleo diet work?” Here we have a head to head comparison between the Paleo diet and Mediterranean diet in insulin resistant Type 2 Diabetics. The results? The Paleo diet group REVERSED the signs and symptoms of insulin resistant, Type 2 diabetes. The Mediterranean diet showed little if any improvements. It is worth noting that the Mediterranean diet is generally held up by our government as “the diet to emulate” despite better alternatives. You can find an abstract and the complete paper here.

Cardio Vascular Disease

According to the CDC, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Interestingly however, our Paleolithic ancestors and contemporarily studied hunter-gatherers showed virtually no heart attack or stroke while eating ancestral diets. The references below will explore these facts to better help you understand the heart-healthy benefits of a Paleo diet.


Autoimmunity is a process in which our bodies own immune system attacks “us.” Normally the immune system protects us from bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. The immune system identifies a foreign invader, attacks it, and ideally clears the infection. A good analogy for autoimmunity is the case of tissue rejection after organ donation. If someone requires a new heart, lung kidney or liver due to disease or injury, a donor organ may be an option. The first step in this process is trying to find a tissue “match”. All of us have molecules in our tissues that our immune system uses to recognize self from non-self. If a donated organ is not close enough to the recipient in tissue type the immune system will attack and destroy the organ. In autoimmunity, a similar process occurs in that an individuals own tissue is confused as something foreign and the immune system attacks this “mislabeled” tissue. Common forms of autoimmunity include Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Vitiligo to name only a tiny fraction of autoimmune diseases. Elements of autoimmunity are likely at play in conditions as seemingly unrelated as Schizophrenia, infertility, and various forms of cancer.



Leaky Gut

What Exactly Is It And How Do You Heal it?

The GI condition commonly known as “leaky gut syndrome” has been gaining a lot of attention lately for several reasons:

  1. A growing body of research has linked leaky gut to a number of “seemingly unrelated” health concerns and chronic diseases.
  2. As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut has reached epidemic proportions.
  3. The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition even exists!

This last point is especially shocking to me because “intestinal permeability” has been discussed in the medical literature for over 100 years!

The 7 Signs You Have Leaky Gut

1. Food Sensitivities – People affected by food sensitivities oftentimes find that leaky gut is to blame. Because of the onslaught of toxins that enter the bloodstream, the immune systems of people with intestinal hyperpermeability are on overdrive mass-producing various antibodies, which makes their bodies more susceptible to antigens in certain foods (especially gluten and dairy).

2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Researchers from Hungary have recently uncovered that elevated gut permeability is oftentimes localized to the colon in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

Another study suggests that, for Crohn’s disease patients, leaky guy is prevalent in a majority cases and even up to 10% – 20% of their “clinically healthy relatives,” which suggests a potential genetic component. Zinc supplementation has been found to be quite effective at tightening up the intestinal tight junctions in these cases.

3. Autoimmune Disease – The key to understanding how leaky gut can cause an autoimmune disease is through the research done on a protein known as “zonulin.” According to a 2011 article published in the journal Physiologic Reviews“Zonulin is the only physiological modulator of intercellular tight junctions described so far that is involved in trafficking of macromolecules and, therefore, in tolerance/immune response balance. When the finely tuned zonulin pathway is deregulated in genetically susceptible individuals, both intestinal and extraintestinal autoimmune, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders can occur.”

Eating gluten can oftentimes trigger this dangerous cascade. University of Maryland, School of Medicine researchers have uncovered that gluten “activates zonulin signaling irrespective of the genetic expression of autoimmunity, leading to increased intestinal permeability to macromolecules.”

4. Thyroid Problems – One of the autoimmune diseases that leaky gut syndrome may directly affect is Hashimoto’s disease. Also known as “chronic thyroiditis,” this disorder can lead to hypothyroidism, impaired metabolism, fatigue, depression, weight gain, and a host of other concerns.

5. Malabsorption – Various nutritional deficiencies result from leaky gut include vitamin B12, magnesium and key enzymes that help digest food. It is recommended that people with leaky gut supplement with a whole foods based multi-vitamin and live probiotic to not only help digest the food that they eat, but to make sure that they get the vital nutrition that they need.

6. Inflammatory Skin Conditions – First described over 70 years ago, the gut-skin connection theory has described how intestinal hyper-permeability can cause a slew of skin conditions; particularly acne and psoriasis.  Generally, dangerous creams and drugs are prescribed for these skin disorders, yet they can oftentimes be fixed by healing the gut!

7. Mood Issues and Autism – According to a study published in the journal Neuro Endocrinology Letters, leaky gut has been shown to cause various neurocognitive disorders. For example, the inflammatory response characteristic of intestinal hyperpermeability triggers the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other chemicals that induce depression.

Regarding autism, a study was just published this past January in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience describing the “vicious circle between immune system impairment and increasing dysbiosis that leads to leaky gut and neurochemical compounds and/or neurotoxic xenobiotics production and absorption.” The idea is that the “metabolic pathways impaired in autistic children can be affected by genetic alterations or by environment-xenobiotics interference.”

Symptoms you may experience from a leaky gut:

  • Food sensitivities
  • Bloating
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Skin issues like rosacea and acne
  • Digestive problems
  • Weight gain
  • Syndrome X

One of the biggest warning signs that you may have leaky gut can be that you’re experiencing multiple food sensitivities. Partially digested protein and fat can seep through your intestinal lining, making their way into your bloodstream and causing an allergic response.

This allergic response doesn’t mean you’ll break out in a rash all over your body, but it can lead to one of the symptoms I’ve mentioned above. If left un-repaired, it can lead to more severe health issues like inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, muscle pain and chronic fatigue.

According to the Journal of Diabetes, there is a strong body of evidence pointing to leaky gut syndrome as a major cause of autoimmune diseases, including Type 1 Diabetes.

Another problem with leaky gut is that it can cause malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients including zinciron and vitamin B12.

The Leaky Gut Diet and 5 Healing Foods

If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, you’re overdue to consider adopting a leaky gut diet. Here are the five foods and supplements to heal your leaky gut.

#1 Bone Broth – broth made from animal products contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine that can help heal your damaged cell walls. Do a bone broth fast for three days to help heal leaky gut and cure autoimmune disease.

#2 Raw Cultured Dairy – contains both probiotics and SCFA’s that can help heal the gut. Pastured kefir, yogurt, amasai, butter and raw cheese are some of the best.

#3 Fermented Vegetables – contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi and kvass are excellent sources.

#4 Coconut Products – all coconut products are especially good for your gut. The MCFA’s in coconut are easier to digest than other fats so they work well for leaky gut. Also, coconut kefir contains probiotics that support your digestive system.

#5 Sprouted Seeds – chia seeds, flax seeds  and hemp seeds that have been sprouted are great sources of fiber that can help support the growth of beneficial bacteria. But if you have severe leaky gut, you may need to start out getting your fiber from steamed vegetables and fruit.

Also, consuming foods that have omega-3 fats are beneficial — anti-inflammatory foods like grass-fed beef, lamb and wild-caught fish like salmon.

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Top 5 Supplements for Healing Leaky Gut

There are many supplements that support your digestive health, but I believe the most beneficial leaky gut supplements are l-glutamine, probiotics, digestive enzymes, aloe vera juice, quercetin, NAG and licorice root.

#1 Probiotics are the most important supplement to take because it helps replenish good bacteria and crowds out bad bacteria. I recommend getting probiotics in both food and supplement form. I see people all the time only follow part of the protocol in healing their leaky gut syndrome by removing the damaging irritants. But the part they often leave out is re-inoculating their gut with beneficial bacteria that will keep bad bacteria at bay.

So load up on BOTH probiotic-rich foods and take AT LEAST 50 billion units of probiotics daily from a high-quality brand.

#2 Digestive enzymes (one or two capsules at the beginning of each meal) ensure that foods are fully digested, decreasing the chance that partially digested foods particles and proteins are damaging your gut wall.

#3 L-Glutamine is critical for any program designed to heal leaky gut. Glutamine powder is an essential amino acid supplement that is anti-inflammatory and necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal lining. L-glutamine benefits include acting as a protector: coating your cell walls and acting as a repellent to irritants. Take 2–5 grams twice daily.

#4 Licorice Root (DGL ) is an adaptogenic herb that helps balance cortisol levels and improves acid production in the stomach. DGL supports the body’s natural processes for maintaining the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum. This herb is especially beneficial if someone’s leaky gut is being caused by emotional stress. Take 500 milligrams twice daily.

#5 Quercetin has also been shown to improve gut barrier function by sealing the gut because it supports creation of tight junction proteins. It also stabilizes mast cells and reduces the release of histamine, which is common in food intolerance. New studies have also shown its effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis. Take 500 milligrams three times daily with meals.

If you can follow the above protocol, you are well on your way to successfully treating your gut for good.

Sunburst Superfoods

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Vaporizers vs. Cigarettes

The new FDA regulation “deems” e-cigarettes to be tobacco products, for the purposes of federal law, but e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco and do not present anywhere near the health risks of smoking. E-cigarettes create vapor, not smoke (hence the term vaping), and the lack of combustion means that e-cigarettes expose users to relatively few of the harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke. Most e-cigs do contain nicotine, however, which makes them a potential substitute for cigarettes. So, while e-cig use may not be risk-free (and what is?), e-cigs present a small fraction of the risks posed by smoking. This is but one reason the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Physicians urges the use of e-cigs  as a tool to help smokers quit.

E-cigarette use has boomed in recent years, fueled largely by current and former smokers. Many cigarettes users have learned that they can satisfy their nicotine craving while doing less damage to their lungs (while also lowering their dry-cleaning bills, spending less on their habit and doing less potential harm to bystanders and family members).

Because e-cigarettes compete with traditional cigarettes — and many e-cigs and vaping products are made by small upstart companies — major tobacco companies, such as Altria (a.k.a. Philip Morris), have sought to clamp down on this market. The Big Tobacco companies have created or acquired e-cig brands while also pushing for regulation that will make it more difficult for little guys to compete. With the new FDA rule, Big Tobacco is getting just what it wanted. The most significant part of the FDA’s rule is a requirement for government approval of all deemed tobacco products placed on the market since 2007. As a practical matter, this means that just about all e-cigs must go through a new approval process if they are to continue to be sold. This is a costly process — an estimated $1 million or more per product — and must be done for each and every model, flavor, etc. For tobacco giants such as Reynolds and Altria, this is no big deal. For smaller e-cig makers, however, these rules could be the kiss of death. Even if smaller manufacturers can satisfy the relevant regulatory deadlines, the rules will increase the cost of e-cigs, limiting their cost advantage vis-a-vis traditional cigarettes and inhibit continued product innovation (thereby inhibiting the ability of e-cig manufacturers to make their products even more attractive to current tobacco users). So, as a consequence of the FDA rule, the e-cig market will shrink, and Big Tobacco will be in a better position to dominate what’s left. A vibrant competitive market will be replaced with a cartel, much like the one we see in the cigarette market.

The Washington Post’s initial story on the rule highlights the new prohibition on e-cigarette sales to minors, echoing the emphasis of the FDA’s press release on the rule. Is this rule a good idea? Maybe, but maybe not. A recent Yale study found that restrictions on e-cigarette sales to youth actually increase teen smoking rates. Since then, another study  (this one from Cornell) has found similar results. So even with regard to restrictions on youth sales, the FDA’s new regulations could help cigarette manufacturers and undermine public health.

As it happens, states are already adopting various rules limiting e-cigarette sales to minors. With such rules in place, it would have made more sense to allow states to experiment with different policies to discourage teen e-cig use so that we could learn which approach is most effective. Instead the FDA has adopted a nationwide approach that, according to the best empirical work done thus far, could actually make things worse.

The FDA would have you believe this announcement is a major step in the war against smoking. It’s nothing of the sort. It’s a gift to Big Tobacco and could be a significant setback for public health.

Allowing e-cigarettes to compete with regular cigarettes might cut tobacco related deaths and illness,  researchers concluded after reviewing 81 prior studies on the use and safety of the nicotine-emitting devices.

“Current evidence suggests that there is a potential for smokers to reduce their health risks if electronic cigarettes are used in place of tobacco cigarettes and are considered a step toward ending all tobacco and nicotine use,” said study researcher Thomas Eissenberg, co-director of the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.

The study, partly funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, was published July 30 in the journal Addiction.

“If there are any risks, these will be many times lower than the risks of smoking tobacco,” said senior author Dr. Hayden McRobbie, from the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary University of London.

“We need to think carefully about how these products are regulated,” he said. “What we found is that there is no evidence that these products should be regulated as strictly as tobacco, or even more strictly than tobacco.”

No evidence has shown that the vapor produced by e-cigarettes is harmful to users or bystanders in contrast to cigarette smoke, he added. It’s not the nicotine in cigarettes that kills people, he said. (Nicotine is the addictive agent in cigarettes).

Nicotine is one of the ingredients in E- Juice/Liquid (While it’s addictive, nicotine doesn’t cause cancer and you can get nicotine free E-Juice).

Other ingredients include:

Glycerin – Odorless and colorless, liquid glycerin has a slightly sweet taste. Like PG, the FDA generally views it as safe. It’s found in many products, including food and drugs, both prescription and over the counter.

Flavorings –  hundreds of flavors exist, including cherry, cheesecake, cinnamon, and tobacco. Many of those flavoring chemicals, are also used to flavor food.

Propylene glycol (PG): PG is a lab-made liquid that the FDA generally views as safe in food, drugs, and cosmetics.

Research has been showing vaping to be one of the most effective means of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. People are gaining their lives back with a way less dangerous alternative.

This might sound like a ridiculous statement but, vaping is bringing families together because when I was a smoker, I would spend a lot of time avoiding my family because I just didn’t want them to smell me. With vaping, this is not a major issue because the scent is a lot more pleasant.

People are gaining their health back. My friend who recently switched over to vaping can’t stop talking about the benefits of e-cigs such as coughing much less, better skin, less irritable more energy etc. Other perceived benefits of vaping, include less nausea, improved sense of smell/taste and better circulation.

There are many advantages to making the switch. The main one is getting off cigarettes, which is the most important reason why vaping is so important. The rest of the benefits of e-cigs are also incredible such as improved respiratory function, better skin, improved stamina and endurance etc. Working out is more possible which in turn will benefit health. Smokers who exercise are living a strange dichotomy between working towards better health and inhaling pure death. Meanwhile smokers who don’t work out are only pushing themselves further into an endless cycle of eat, smoke, sleep, cough and repeat.

Benefits and Recipes of Delicious Hemp Seeds

If you’re looking to improve digestion, balance hormones and improve metabolism, then hemp seeds may just be the superfood you’re looking for.

For a long time, hemp seeds we’re ignored for their nutritional benefits because it’s botanical relationship to drug/medicinal varieties of Cannabis.

However, hemp seeds do NOT cause any psychotropic reaction and instead may provide significant health benefits with its unique nutritional profile.

Here is what we know about the therapeutic benefits of hemp:
  • Excellent 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote cardiovascular health
  • High in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid found in borage oil and egg yolks that has been proven to naturally balance hormones
  • Perfect protein” not only containing all 20 amino acids, but also each of the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce
  • Rich in soluble and un-soluble fiber which naturally cleanses the colon and reduces sugar cravings
GLA and GLA-rich foods like hemp seeds have also been observed to help people with:
  • ADHD
  • Breast pain
  • Diabetes and diabetic neuropathy
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Skin allergies
7 Major Hemp Seed Benefits

1. Hormones (GLA)

Research in the 1980s observed that hormone-like substances called prostaglandins play a key role in helping the body function smoothly. It was discovered that prostaglandins help smooth muscles contract, control inflammation and body temperature, and are vital to other body functions.

Hemp seed-rich GLA is known to be a necessary building block for some prostaglandins, and researchers have surmised that GLA supplementation is necessary for proper hormone health, which is probably why many women suffering from PMS have been helped by it.

2. Arthritis and Joint Pain

A 6 month study published in the journal of Arthritis and Rheumatism found that consuming the stand alone GLA found in hemp seeds reduced arthritis symptoms by 25% compared to the placebo at only 4%. This along with the fact that hemp seeds have an ideal ratio of omega-3/6 fats along with it’s other minerals help naturally reduce inflammation.
For treatment take 1 tbsp of hemp seed oil daily along with a quality fish oil

3. Weight Loss

Hemp is known as a natural appetite suppressant and can help you feel full longer and reduce sugar cravings. Some experts recommend that adding 4 tablespoons of the seeds to your breakfast will help curb excess hunger the entire day.

4. Digestive Health

High in insoluble and soluble fiber, hemp seeds provide more than enough bulk to keep your gastrointestinal system regular. Additionally, this healthy mixture of roughage feeds the probiotics in your gut and helps secure a robust immune system.

5. Hair/Skin/Nails

Hemp seed benefits for skin and hair go a long way at improving dry, red, flaking skin. Mostly used in high-end cosmetic products, hemp oil is oftentimes included in lip balms, lotions and soaps. The oil in the hemp seeds is known to penetrate the inner layers of the skin and promote healthy cell growth; the recipe for smooth, soft skin.

Since hempseed oil is also good for skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema, it is a good idea to eat at least a couple tablespoons of hemp seed every day to maximize these benefits as well and then create a homemade skin cream combining hemp seed oil, shea butter and essential oils like lavender.

6. Cancer

Because of it’s perfect fatty-acid profile of omega-3 fats and GLA, this helps naturally balance inflammation levels and strengthen the immune system.

The British Journal of Cancer reports that the THC in hemp seeds can stop and possibly reverse glioblastoma multiforme (a deadly form of brain cancer). The journal of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment confirmed the THC in hemp seeds improved advanced stage breast cancer. Researchers from the University of Rostock, Germany discovered the same hemp seed benefits for lung cancer.

After evaluating the research consuming hemp seeds could be part of a healthy anti-cancer diet and natural treatment plan.

7. Heart Health

Some of the key ingredients in building a healthy heart include fiber, plant-based protein, healthy fats and eating less sugar. And hemp seeds help in doing all of those things.

I recommend adding 2 tbsp of hemp seeds to a morning smoothie to naturally lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol and improve triglycerides.

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Yield: serves 12-14


  • 3 cups crisp brown rice cereal
  • 3 cups gluten-free rolled oats
  • ½ cup hemp hearts
  • ½ cup flax seeds
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • ½ cup brown rice syrup
  • 2 tablespoons flax oil (or other oil)
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • ½ tablespoon vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 275. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients. In a small bowl, combine the wet ingredients.

Heat the wet ingredients in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes. Alternatively, you can heat the wet ingredients in a saucepan, until it just begins to bubble around the edges.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry and thoroughly combine. Divide the mixture between the two baking sheets and spread out evenly.

Bake the granola for 45 minutes, switching shelves for each sheet (i.e. placing the sheet from the top shelf on the lower shelf and vice versa).

Once done, let cool completely before transferring to an air-tight container. Enjoy!


Yield: About 3/4 cup

Using hemp seeds instead of pine nuts adds 3 additional grams of protein per 1/4 cup of this basil pesto.


  • 2 cups fresh basil leaves, loosely packed
  • 1/4 cup hemp hearts
  • 1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • 2-3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Kosher salt to taste (about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon is a good amount)


Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula if necessary.